Kanbox Advanced Filters

Kanbox Advanced Filters allow you to refine lead lists that you have exported from Linkedin and Sales Navigator.

Go to one of your lead lists and locate the filters placed to the left of the list.


The “Match” filter lets you know if the search results match the keywords used and the filters of your Sales Navigator search. Sales Navigator may provide you with up to 30% of results that do not match your search. After an export, the system automatically checks whether certain filters (position, company size, etc.) have been respected.

By activating the “Match” filter you can filter to exclude these results.


  • Match
  • Don't Match

Important information

The Match is only checked for a Sales Navigator search.

Added to my Inbox / Pipeline

This filter allows you to know if leads already exist among your connections and contacts in your inbox and possibly in Pipelines.


  • Is added
  • Not added

These leads that already exist in your Inbox or Pipelines are represented differently from those that do not:

  • an icon is added to the left of the lead name
  • the line is light yellow in color.

E-mail address

This filter allows you to sort the list according to whether the email address is provided or not.


  • Is provided
  • Not provided

Phone number

This filter allows you to sort the list according to whether the telephone number is provided or not.


  • Is provided
  • Not provided

LinkedIn account

This filter allows you to filter leads according to the characteristics of the account they have.


  • Is Open Profile
  • Not Open Profile
  • Is Open to Work
  • Is not Open to Work
  • Is Premium
  • Not Premium

Job title

This filter allows you to find exact terms in the job title.


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string

Number of connections

This filter allows you to display leads according to their number of relationships.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number


This filter allows you to target leads with specific skills.


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string


This filter allows you to target leads whose company is in a particular industry


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string

Seniority on the position

This filter allows you to target leads according to their seniority in the position they occupy.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number

Seniority in the company

This filter allows you to target leads according to their seniority in the company.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number

Profile title

This filter allows you to find exact terms in the profile title.


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string


This filter allows you to target leads according to their geographic location.


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string

Company Name

This filter allows you to include or exclude leads belonging to certain companies.


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string

Number of employees in the company

This filter allows you to target leads according to the size of their business.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number

Company created since

This filter allows you to target leads according to the age of their company.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number

Number of employees in the company

This filter allows you to target leads according to the size of their business.


  • Greater than a number
  • Less than a number


This filter allows you to target leads with a particular last name


  • Contains the character string
  • Does not contain the character string

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Managing duplicate leads