Introduction to the Inbox

The Inbox is one of the great features of Kanbox.

Linkedin messaging is not known to be a model of ergonomics, far from it, it has many faults:

  1. limited space
  2. advertisements around
  3. little way to classify/find your conversations
  4. need to go back and forth to view a member's profile while talking to them
  5. no mass action


It is for all these reasons that we created Kanbox. We wanted to overcome these different problems.

Combine Inbox and contact and connection management

Within Kanbox, a messaging item corresponds to a user. We can have a conversation in progress with this user, and it will then be visible under the "Messaging" filter, or not, and it will then be present within the "Connections" if it is a 1st degree connection or within the "Contacts" if it is a member who has been added to the messaging system following an export.

Gmail-style ergonomics

The first objective of the inbox is to offer a user experience with maximum comfort. We took as a model the ergonomics of the most adopted email boxes like Gmail: a full screen view, no frills, a clear design: filters on the left, a search box above and list conversations on the rest of the page. the screen.

Advanced sorting and ranking features

To make it easier to manage your messages and be able to organize yourself and never forget to respond to certain messages, the messaging system offers a classification system by labels. A user can be associated with one or more labels and filters allow you to quickly find the users associated with this or that label.

Furthermore, a sorting system can greatly facilitate the use of messaging. Indeed, it is very complicated, within Linkedin, to easily find messages to which one has not, or never, responded. With Kanbox, this is no longer the case; in 1 click, you can find all these messages. No more excuses when you forget to reply to someone!

Mass actions to be more productive

You are tired of copying/pasting certain messages to several of your contacts, of sending these messages 1 by 1... Mass actions are there for that: select several members in 1 click, click on the mass action “Send a message” and off you go!

With Kanbox messaging, simplify your life, be more productive and have all the tools necessary to organize yourself and be more efficient

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