Create your account / log in

Install Chrome extension

Kanbox requires the use of the Chrome browser and the installation of an extension: the latter acts as a link from your Linkedin and Sales Navigator account to the Kanbox platform.

To do this, nothing could be simpler: click on “Try for free” from the website or follow this link with your Chrome browser:

Launching the application

No need for email/password

To connect to Kanbox, you must be connected to Linkedin. The extension acts as a gateway and uses LinkedIn credentials to authenticate you to Kanbox.

The extension provides a seamless link between your LinkedIn account and the Kanbox platform. By using Kanbox via this extension, each action carried out on Kanbox is reflected directly on LinkedIn, and vice versa. Thus, there is no distinction between the two platforms, providing complete synchronization of activities. Kanbox stands out for its ability to simplify the LinkedIn user experience, offering optimized ergonomics and increased efficiency in managing interactions on the professional platform.

If you have multiple Linkedin accounts

To change your account on Kanbox, simply change your account on Linkedin: disconnect/reconnect on Linkedin, by going to , you will be connected with your new account.

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Introduction to Kanbox