Is my account at risk if I use Kanbox?

Is it risky to use an extension?

In 1 word, NO, at least, not more than a system not using an extension.

Kanbox relies on a Chrome extension.

Some articles relay the fact that the use of an extension can be detected by Linkedin. In fact, it is true and false. A few years ago, Linkedin created a piece of code to identify certain popular extensions and automatically displays a warning to the user. This piece of code has since been widely commented on and there are fairly simple means to counter the detection system. Furthermore, this piece of code no longer seems to evolve on the Linkedin side. Linkedin now prefers to use other means to determine whether automation is behind it.

How does Linkedin detect automation?

Linkedin uses various techniques to determine whether an automated system is being used, including:

  1. Linkedin monitors the frequency of requests: if the visit to profiles is too fast, if the user sends too many messages in too short a period of time, they may consider that there is an automation.
  2. Linkedin monitors certain actions in particular and establishes certain limits: the total number of invitations sent per week (between 50 and 200), the total number of messages sent per day, the total number of profile visits per day... If these limits are systematically achieved, they can consider that there is an automation.
  3. Linkedin monitors IP addresses. If you use an automated system that is cloud-based, if that system has an IP address whose geolocation does not match yours, Linkedin can see these inconsistencies.
  4. Linkedin monitors multi-connections from the same browser session. If you have several Linkedin accounts and if you disconnect/reconnect to switch from one account to another, Linkedin will identify this and may consider that you are not respecting the platform's T&Cs.

Important information

Linkedin monitoring measures adapt to the type of account. A young account will be under close surveillance and will have low usage limits. A free account will generally be more checked than a premium account. An account that has already had a warning or temporary restriction will be much more checked...

In particular, it is very important to stop exporting or having automated actions (with Kanbox or any other tool) for several days if your account has a temporary restriction. An account can have some temporary restrictions without being banned. But there is a very high risk of permanent banning after 3 or 4 restrictions.

How does Kanbox take care of the security of your account?

At Kanbox, the security of your account is one of our highest priorities. We have implemented several measures for this. If you take a look at the different techniques used by Linkedin:

  1. We artificially introduce delays when you export users or when you launch mass actions, in order to mimic human behavior. This is why mass actions can sometimes seem long.
  2. We have defined daily export quotas (80 users/day on Linkedin and 2500 users/day on Sales Navigator) in order to remain within the limits acceptable to Linkedin. Regarding sending invitations, we display a message to warn you if we consider that you have reached the limits. We have not yet introduced limits for messages / invitations because these are actions that you trigger manually. With automations, we will introduce quotas just like for exports.
  3. Since all Linkedin requests are made from the browser using the extension, there is no problem at this level. When we will introduce automations, which will be done in the cloud, we will use a proxy system that will obtain a local IP address for each user.
  4. We advise you to open a new Chrome session for each Linkedin account to prevent this problem.

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