Import from a Linkedin search

Go to Linkedin, do a search. On the results page, click on “People”. By having installed the Kanbox extension for Chrome, you will see the Kanbox export module appear on this page.

Important information

Regardless of the number of search results, Linkedin will allow you to consult only the first 1000: 100 pages of 10 leads. Linkedin does not allow you to explore beyond 1000 members. This is why we recommend that you filter your searches in order to obtain a number of results lower than 1000 leads, because Kanbox will stop exporting when it has reached the limit imposed by Linkedin.

Unlike Sales Navigator which allows you to export 2500 Leads per day, Linkedin only allows you to export 100 per day. Kanbox reduces this limit to 80 leads per day for the security of your account, as Linkedin imposes stricter limits for certain members.

When you export several hundred leads from Linkedin it will therefore take you several days, at a rate of 80 exports per day, to export all the members of this list.

On the Kanbox export module, enter a name for the list you want to export and click “Export list to Kanbox”.

Once completed, you will find this list on Kanbox in the “Leads” section.

You can perform further searches and make new exports or exit Sales Navigator. The work is carried out by Kanbox. Your different lists will be exported one after the other.

Important information

It is imperative to keep the Kanbox tab open throughout the export. Depending on the number of leads to export, the duration of an export can vary from a few minutes to a few hours. Kanbox will take the time necessary to simulate human behavior in order to protect your Linkedin account from any blocking.

Your list is being exported.

By clicking on your list you access the page of the leads that make up this list.

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Import your lists saved in Sales Navigator to Kanbox
Import from a list containing profile URLs