Why is the rate of emails found sometimes low?

On average, the enrichment rate is 50%. It can sometimes reach 60%, sometimes 40%.

However, for some searches, this rate may be much lower. For what ?

You should first know that Kanbox searches professional emails. Enriched emails do not come from Linkedin data extraction. Moreover, there are very few professional emails accessible on Linkedin.

To find an email, the principle is to use the user's first and last name or company web domain. The system then tries to guess the email. And it will check with the email servers that the guessed email exists.

If the search to be enriched mainly contains users who do not have a company (freelancers) or companies that are not very active on the Web or do not have an email domain (restaurants), the system will not be able to find a professional email. .

Conversely, if we enrich a list of users whose companies are medium/large, technological, we can have very high enrichment rates (70%).

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